What is the Difference Between Sex and chromosomes?


What is the Difference Between Sex and chromosomes?

Sex is the physical condition wherein the reproductive ability of an individual is expressed and in a specific way. Sex is actually a behavioral trait that determines the reproductive function, either male or female, in plants and animals that reproduce through sexual division. The classification of the species determines the kind of gametes that an organism produces. In humans, sex determines the existence of male and female sex organs or reproductive systems. In the animals, sex determines the position of the sexes within the animal body.

All the cells, tissues and organs in the body have the same genetic code regardless of the different species. This code is passed on genetically from one generation to another. Genes determine the identity of an individual, even when other traits appear in a person. They also determine the physiological and behavioral traits of an individual.

Sex is related to biological differences between the sexes. These differences may appear at the level of the molecular structure of the cells. For instance, in humans, X and Y chromosomes determine the biological sex of a person while autosomal DNA is carried by both the male and female. In animals, gametes carry the genetic information necessary for sex determination.

Sex is often used interchangeably with chromosomes. These two words are often used interchangeably because they are the same thing. However, they differ in several important points. For instance, there are minor differences between X and Y chromosomes but these differences are insignificant in nature and are unrelated to sexual differentiation.

X and Y chromosomes are structurally very similar. It is the structure of the chromosomes that gives rise to the various types of sex chromosomes. The major difference between the two is that the Y chromosomes are only found in the female and male sperm and the X chromosomes are only found in males. This has major consequences for the development of the offspring as both X and Y chromosomes are required in the formation of the female and male sperm respectively.

Many people believe that transgender is synonymous with cross-dressing or being homosexual. This is not true. While a transgender individual who dresses in a manner that doesn’t correspond to his or her biological sex can be considered a cross-dresser, this is not the case with transgender. Transgender is a term used to describe people whose gender identities are different from their sex at birth.