Domino Games


Domino Games

Domino is an evergreen family of tile-based trivia games played using tiles, also called dominoes. Each domino is simply a square tile with a flat, thin line dividing it into two equal squares. The flat, thin pieces are called dominoes and each player gets to place one tile onto the board in any way they see fit. Domino boards are available in sets of four and come in a wide variety of themes from the classic to the bizarre.

The traditional game of dominoes involves a roll of the domino tiles from left to right. Dominoes are played in rounds, with each player getting four turns, followed by one turn of the other players. The first domino rolled will be your turn and all following domino tiles are also your turn. You and your opponent must alternate taking turns, with you always choosing to roll the squares that are opposite in color to your opponent. The first domino played can also be your turn, provided that no other player has rolled a tile.

Domino sets consist of different sized tiles that all have the same thickness, but in different colors. The smaller tiles are shaped like spindles, while the larger ones are sharp and triangular in shape. There are some domino sets that have bone pips in the middle of the squares for extra difficulty, and some domino sets which are made of plastic and have domino “bones” incorporated in their design, but all types of domino sets feature the standard domino bone.