Sex 101 – Biological Determinants of Sex

Sex is a natural human process, but it is also socially constructed. Although the act is only two seconds long, it still involves sexual motivation in both partners. Regardless of how it is performed, sex should be done with consent and in the best interest of the other. If you’re interested in the science of sex, check out Sex 101. Then, you can decide if sex is right for you.


Sex is based on biology. Biological determinants of sex can be related to a person’s sex identity. Transgender and intersex people may have sex characteristics that conflict with their gender identities. These characteristics include male-specific hormone levels and differences in the external and internal genitals. Often, a person is assigned their sex at birth, but there is also variation between the sexes.

Feminists are particularly critical of the gender/sex distinction. They argue that gender is a social construct and not a natural phenomenon. They criticize the male/female dichotomy as artificial and a fixed biological feature. The sex cells of males are larger and more numerous than those of females. Consequently, a woman’s sex cells are larger than a man’s.

Although sex and gender are related, gender is a more subjective concept. The latter is more difficult to define. In essence, sex is an individual’s perception of their own sex, which is influenced by social norms. While sex is biologically based, phenotypic sex is the subjective assessment of an individual’s sexual orientation and self-image within the context of culture.

The biological determinants of sex are closely related to a person’s identity, but they may not be the same. For instance, someone may be assigned a sex that is not in keeping with their gender. This is known as intersex, and it can be very challenging to assign a person a sex by biological determinants. It may be the differences between a person’s sex and their sex.

While biological determinants are an important factor in determining a person’s gender, some individuals have specific sex characteristics that complicate sex assignment. For example, they may have an intersex sex or transgender sex body, and this can result in gender identity problems. In these situations, the most accurate way to determine a person’s sex is to consult a psychologist.

The biological determinants of sex are an important part of the culture. Nevertheless, some researchers argue that gender should be a primary factor in the definition of sex. But, these individuals do not share a common biological trait. They have different physiology and physical features. In addition to their chromosomes, the body of a man is different from a woman. The two sex are mutually exclusive and not compatible.