Full Online Course Delivered Through Distance Learning

Online, from a broad perspective, refers to any electronic device that is connected and accessible via the Internet, including another personal computer, another computer network or even a portable device like a smartphone. In recent years, the phrase online has also come to refer to Internet-based services that are available online. This service may include shopping sites like eBay or online banking options such as PayPal. Additionally, the Internet can be used to search for information on just about any topic you can imagine. In short, the Internet makes it possible to conduct business virtually anywhere. In the broadest sense, online means the totality of the Internet which is everywhere and accessible to everyone.


Some people are comfortable using the online world to get what they need while others opt for offline browsing and ecommerce. Offline, in a broad sense, refers to any physical location where the internet connection is available. The most common offline locations include malls, airports, book stores and restaurants. Offline online learning refers to a form of education where students meet offline and use the internet as part of their studies.

One of the advantages of using the offline modes of accessing the web is speed. While you’re sitting at home or in class, you can easily access the web. On the other hand, with offline browsing, you have to use local copies of magazines, newspapers, books and the like. The downloading of these offline publications would take a lot of time since there are many files to be downloaded. So, your internet explorer may not be able to locate the file you need immediately.

Another disadvantage of online classes is that you cannot receive feedback from your instructor. For online students prospective students have to be wary about getting their homework done, submitting projects or assignments and even communicating with their instructors. This increases the risk of missing out on any assignments. Experts say that this disadvantage could be overcome by giving the students a private internet connection which offers real-time communication.

Last but not least, online learning tends to be expensive. The expenses depend on the type of online course you sign up for. Some online courses are offered for free, while others require you to pay a certain amount. It’s normal for the online courses to require you to spend money because you will need to download various files and purchase other soft wares such as textbooks, software and so forth. Some online courses also allow students to make presentations to their instructors thereby adding yet another expense to online courses.

Experts say that while online courses are convenient and very useful, they could be harmful in some cases. Students who take up online courses without attending classroom sessions run the risk of being uninformed. They may miss out essential information and become less knowledgeable. The full online course delivered via distance learning is capable of imparting all the knowledge and skills that you need to pass your exams.