Domino Games – A Simple, But Still Fun Game


Domino Games – A Simple, But Still Fun Game

Dominoes is an ever-evolving family of tile-based games, more commonly referred to today as dominoes. Each domino is typically a square, triangular tile with an equidistant line dividing it into two equal square ends. Each end is normally marked with at least three spots or sometimes is just blank. The game is usually played on a flat surface with the dominoes being laid across it from either side or from front to back.

Dominoes are available in a variety of sizes and thicknesses and can be purchased in many popular retailers like eBay and Amazon among others. Some retailers offer custom designed domino sets for a higher price. A typical domino set consists of a metal tray, a wooden board with the metal trays and domino tiles, a thin, but long thin piece of marble or other concreted material that acts as a tabletop and accents the wooden tray. The tray is secured to the board using a couple of simple clips or screw hooks. The wooden board may also be secured to the tray with simple glue or nails.

Dominoes are played by laying down the domino tile and rolling it (or some domino variants) along a row or diagonal. The object is to Domino the player or by drawing tiles into the empty squares. A domino may be played in straight lines, curved lines or in bony patterns. Dominoes are often played indoors on a large table with at least four players, although as a rule it can be played up to nine players. As with most games of skill the more advanced the playing skill, the better the winning percentage will be.