Domino Games


Domino Games

Domino is a family of board-based video games, most commonly referred to as dominoes, which are played using little plastic tiles. Each domino consists of a flat rectangular tile with two square corners leaving the centre of the tile with just one line splitting the square corners in half. The corners are usually blank or have only number of spaces between them. Dominoes are often used for children’s activity table games such as pass the word or pass the parcel.

domino players line up tiles diagonally, then those tiles are passed from player to player in a straight line, following a set pattern of nine turns. The object of the game is for a player to first line up all of their tiles in a straight line, followed by all of their opponent’s tiles in a straight line, followed finally by the empty tiles of their opponents in a straight line. The last domino in the sequence is the last line for the player who has cleared all of their opponents tiles, to line up all of their own tiles in a single column. Once all pairs of tiles are in place, the domino chain is completed and the game is over.

Domino games can be very enjoyable for adults and children alike. They provide a simple yet entertaining game to play that is accessible to everyone, no matter how young or old. As well as being available in a range of different versions all of which offer variants on the theme, domino games are also available on a range of computer based platforms from Microsoft to Apple. As well as offering a simple and enjoyable game to play, dominoes have also become a popular educational tool, with many teachers using them to enhance lesson plans and explain difficult concepts in a way that all students can appreciate. It is therefore not surprising that many schools are making good use of this versatile educational resource.